- Men 100 M
Official Results (3/22/2025 at 6:31 PM) Plc NameAffiliationFinalsPoints- Section 1 (Wind: 1.5 m/s)
- 1Coats, Christopher (JR)San Jose St.10.4310
- 2Stitts, Robert (SO)Chabot10.45810.441
- 3Miles, Gianni (SO)Jessup10.45610.442
- 4Floriolli, Alonzo (SR)One Elite10.4510.449
- 5Bennett, Wakilli (6)Unattached10.57
- 6Williams, Chase (SR)California10.614
- 7Ince, Ajani (SR)Academy of Art10.632
- --Schurr, GavinUnattachedFS
- Section 2 (Wind: 0.6 m/s)
- 1Davis, Dylan (SO)Stanford10.8010.791
- 2Bruce, Xavier (SO)Sacramento St.10.8110.804
- 3Hyman JR, Josh (SO)Unattached10.85
- 4Castro, Ryan (SR)Cal Poly Humboldt10.9610.954
- 5Rusthon-Grisby, Willshaw (SR)Chico State11.10
- 6Minnieweather Jr, Truede (FR)Sacramento St.11.2411.235
- Section 3 (Wind: 1.2 m/s)
- 1Davis, Sean (SO)Diablo Valley10.8010.794
- 2Nelson, Garrett (SO)Unattached10.8810.879
- 3Cook, Zavian (SR)Fresno Pacific10.91
- 4Megas, Cristian (SR)Cal Poly Humboldt11.0211.020
- 5Stevens, Chris (SR)Unattached11.1311.122
- 6Ajiroba, Emmanuel (SR)Academy of Art11.26
- 7Haas, Jack (SR)Chico State11.51
- --Ortlieb, Bronson (JR)Fresno StateFS
- Section 4 (Wind: 1.4 m/s)
- 1Aburano, Andrew (FR)UC Davis10.681
- 2Williams, JadenSac Unat10.8010.793
- 3Orias, Aidan (FR)California10.8810.873
- 4Gainant, Arthur (FR)UC Santa Cruz10.9210.911
- 5Jones, Jared (JR)San Jose St.10.94
- 6Mora, Jaden (FR)Sequoias11.0211.017
- 7Yarbrough, Da'Marius (FR)Fresno11.1611.153
- 8Contini, James (SR)UC Santa Cruz11.1811.176
- Section 5 (Wind: 1.8 m/s)
- 1Kroeger, John (SR)Stanford10.8210.815
- 2Myers, Josh (FR)Diablo Valley10.8210.817
- 3Hauge, Christian (FR)San Jose St.10.84
- 4Mercier, Marc (SO)Alaska Anchorage10.87
- 5Bickham, Isaiah (SO)American River10.89
- 6Harris, Keon (SR)Unattached10.99
- 7Hassaan, Naseem (JR)Unattached11.0411.040
- 8Espinosa, Tony (SO)Sequoias11.1311.123
- Section 6 (Wind: 1.8 m/s)
- 1King, Isaiah (FR)Sacramento St.10.8010.797
- 2Jana, Riday (SO)Alaska Anchorage10.9610.956
- 3Smith, Jakobi (FR)California11.0311.023
- 4Sorroza-Stetson, Ethan (FR)American River11.0311.029
- 5Odhiambo, Jordan (SO)Diablo Valley11.0411.037
- 6Hunter, Imannul (SO)Unattached11.09
- 7Dunn, Lamont (SO)Sacramento11.2411.239
- 8Stenger, Jonathan (SR)UC Santa Cruz11.41
- Section 7 (Wind: 0.6 m/s)
- 1Perry, Jamal (FR)Chabot10.9210.918
- 2McDaniels, Jameel (SR)Sacramento St.11.0711.068
- 3Hawkins, CassiusSac Unat11.11
- 4Singh, Harry (JR)Cal Poly Humboldt11.1411.135
- 5McElroy, Jaih (SO)Fresno11.1411.137
- 6Dixon, James (FR)Alaska Anchorage11.1411.139
- 7Williams, OmarUnattached11.1611.153
- 8Vo, Tyler (JR)UC Santa Cruz11.3011.300
- 9Jenkins, Zachary (FR)Fresno11.35
- Section 8 (Wind: 2.3 m/s)
- 1Stalnecker, Aiden (SO)San Jose St.10.8110.801
- 2Joiner-Addison, Ny'j (FR)Unattached10.9210.911
- 3Powers, Kalil (SO)Sacramento St.10.93
- 4Leyva, Riley (FR)UC Davis11.0311.029
- 5Gordon, Amani (FR)Diablo Valley11.0711.070
- 6Caliz, Jordan (SR)Chico State11.1311.125
- 7Morris, Brian (SO)Alaska Anchorage11.1411.135
- 8Shelton, Aidan (FR)Cal Poly Humboldt11.1811.174
- 9Gonzales, Estevan (FR)Fresno Pacific11.21
- Section 9 (Wind: 1.1 m/s)
- 1Yang, Aaron (FR)California11.1611.152
- 2radford, ralph (SO)Unattached11.1711.165
- 3Sanchez, Francisco (SR)UC Davis11.1711.168
- 4King, Jabari (SO)Fresno State11.27
- 5Keegan, Finton (FR)Fresno State11.3011.298
- 6Yarrell, Justis (FR)Sacramento11.52
- --Kovacs, Ayden (FR)ChabotFS
- Section 10 (Wind: 2.6 m/s)
- 1Scoggins, Zackary (SO)American River11.31
- 2Der Manuelian, Lance (SR)UC Davis11.40
- 3Scammell, Logan (SO)Jessup11.50
- 4Cross, Lavell (FR)Unattached11.54
- 5Hughes, Kyjon (FR)Jessup11.64
- 6sherman, JordanUnattached11.93
- Section 11 (Wind: 1.2 m/s)
- 1Martin, Kanye (FR)Sacramento St.11.05
- 2Jackson, Evan (SR)Stanford11.1711.164
- 3Gauthier, Justin (SR)Cal St. East Bay11.78
- 4Hirsh, SatchelUnattached12.56
- 5Garcia, Maximo (SR)Tempo12.61
- 6McDaniels, RobertUnattached15.89
- 7Bennett, Willie (SR)Unattached15.99
Plc NameAffiliationFinalsWindHeatPoints- Finals
- 1Coats, Christopher (JR)San Jose St.10.431.5110
- 2Stitts, Robert (SO)Chabot10.451.51810.441
- 3Miles, Gianni (SO)Jessup10.451.51610.442
- 4Floriolli, Alonzo (SR)One Elite10.451.5110.449
- 5Bennett, Wakilli (6)Unattached10.571.51
- 6Williams, Chase (SR)California10.611.514
- 7Ince, Ajani (SR)Academy of Art10.631.512
- 8Aburano, Andrew (FR)UC Davis10.681.441
- 9Davis, Dylan (SO)Stanford10.800.6210.791
- 10Williams, JadenSac Unat10.801.4410.793
- 11Davis, Sean (SO)Diablo Valley10.801.2310.794
- 12King, Isaiah (FR)Sacramento St.10.801.8610.797
- 13Stalnecker, Aiden (SO)San Jose St.10.812.3810.801
- 14Bruce, Xavier (SO)Sacramento St.10.810.6210.804
- 15Kroeger, John (SR)Stanford10.821.8510.815
- 16Myers, Josh (FR)Diablo Valley10.821.8510.817
- 17Hauge, Christian (FR)San Jose St.10.841.85
- 18Hyman JR, Josh (SO)Unattached10.850.62
- 19Mercier, Marc (SO)Alaska Anchorage10.871.85
- 20Orias, Aidan (FR)California10.881.4410.873
- 21Nelson, Garrett (SO)Unattached10.881.2310.879
- 22Bickham, Isaiah (SO)American River10.891.85
- 23Cook, Zavian (SR)Fresno Pacific10.911.23
- 24Joiner-Addison, Ny'j (FR)Unattached10.922.3810.911
- 24Gainant, Arthur (FR)UC Santa Cruz10.921.4410.911
- 26Perry, Jamal (FR)Chabot10.920.6710.918
- 27Powers, Kalil (SO)Sacramento St.10.932.38
- 28Jones, Jared (JR)San Jose St.10.941.44
- 29Castro, Ryan (SR)Cal Poly Humboldt10.960.6210.954
- 30Jana, Riday (SO)Alaska Anchorage10.961.8610.956
- 31Harris, Keon (SR)Unattached10.991.85
- 32Mora, Jaden (FR)Sequoias11.021.4411.017
- 33Megas, Cristian (SR)Cal Poly Humboldt11.021.2311.020
- 34Smith, Jakobi (FR)California11.031.8611.023
- 35Leyva, Riley (FR)UC Davis11.032.3811.029
- 35Sorroza-Stetson, Ethan (FR)American River11.031.8611.029
- 37Odhiambo, Jordan (SO)Diablo Valley11.041.8611.037
- 38Hassaan, Naseem (JR)Unattached11.041.8511.040
- 39Martin, Kanye (FR)Sacramento St.11.051.211
- 40McDaniels, Jameel (SR)Sacramento St.11.070.6711.068
- 41Gordon, Amani (FR)Diablo Valley11.072.3811.070
- 42Hunter, Imannul (SO)Unattached11.091.86
- 43Rusthon-Grisby, Willshaw (SR)Chico State11.100.62
- 44Hawkins, CassiusSac Unat11.110.67
- 45Stevens, Chris (SR)Unattached11.131.2311.122
- 46Espinosa, Tony (SO)Sequoias11.131.8511.123
- 47Caliz, Jordan (SR)Chico State11.132.3811.125
- 48Morris, Brian (SO)Alaska Anchorage11.142.3811.135
- 48Singh, Harry (JR)Cal Poly Humboldt11.140.6711.135
- 50McElroy, Jaih (SO)Fresno11.140.6711.137
- 51Dixon, James (FR)Alaska Anchorage11.140.6711.139
- 52Yang, Aaron (FR)California11.161.1911.152
- 53Yarbrough, Da'Marius (FR)Fresno11.161.4411.153
- 53Williams, OmarUnattached11.160.6711.153
- 55Jackson, Evan (SR)Stanford11.171.21111.164
- 56radford, ralph (SO)Unattached11.171.1911.165
- 57Sanchez, Francisco (SR)UC Davis11.171.1911.168
- 58Shelton, Aidan (FR)Cal Poly Humboldt11.182.3811.174
- 59Contini, James (SR)UC Santa Cruz11.181.4411.176
- 60Gonzales, Estevan (FR)Fresno Pacific11.212.38
- 61Minnieweather Jr, Truede (FR)Sacramento St.11.240.6211.235
- 62Dunn, Lamont (SO)Sacramento11.241.8611.239
- 63Ajiroba, Emmanuel (SR)Academy of Art11.261.23
- 64King, Jabari (SO)Fresno State11.271.19
- 65Keegan, Finton (FR)Fresno State11.301.1911.298
- 66Vo, Tyler (JR)UC Santa Cruz11.300.6711.300
- 67Scoggins, Zackary (SO)American River11.312.610
- 68Jenkins, Zachary (FR)Fresno11.350.67
- 69Der Manuelian, Lance (SR)UC Davis11.402.610
- 70Stenger, Jonathan (SR)UC Santa Cruz11.411.86
- 71Scammell, Logan (SO)Jessup11.502.610
- 72Haas, Jack (SR)Chico State11.511.23
- 73Yarrell, Justis (FR)Sacramento11.521.19
- 74Cross, Lavell (FR)Unattached11.542.610
- 75Hughes, Kyjon (FR)Jessup11.642.610
- 76Gauthier, Justin (SR)Cal St. East Bay11.781.211
- 77sherman, JordanUnattached11.932.610
- 78Hirsh, SatchelUnattached12.561.211
- 79Garcia, Maximo (SR)Tempo12.611.211
- 80McDaniels, RobertUnattached15.891.211
- 81Bennett, Willie (SR)Unattached15.991.211
- --Schurr, GavinUnattachedFS1.51
- --Kovacs, Ayden (FR)ChabotFS1.19
- --Ortlieb, Bronson (JR)Fresno StateFS1.23
- Men - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored
- 1)California (163) 2)Fresno Pacific (90)
- 3)Chico State (50) 4)San Jose St. (49)
- 5)Sacramento St. (44) 6)Academy of Art (37)
- 7)Stanford (29) 8)San Francisco (22)
- 9)UC Davis (19) 10)Boise State (15)
- 11)Chabot (12) 12)Dominican (10)
- 12)Nevada (10) 14)American River (8)
- 15)Alaska Anchorage (6) 15)Jessup (6)
- 15)Cal Poly Humboldt (6) 18)Diablo Valley (4)
- 18)UC Santa Cruz (4) 20)Fresno State (3)