- Girls 200 Meter Dash
Plc NameAffiliationFinalsHeatPoints- Finals
- 1Jordan, Kassie (10)Mother of Mercy26.77410
- 2Richard, Brianna (12)Winton Woods27.3448
- 3Marzheuser, Brittany (11)Mother of Mercy28.0426
- 4Evans, Keeyori (10)Winton Woods28.2645
- 5Jones, Brijon (10)Northwest28.5044
- 6Wilzbach, Melanie (10)Northwest28.7723
- 7Wildfeuer, Riley (11)Bishop Fenwick28.8842
- 8Hambleton, Kylie (10)Seton29.0431
- 9Miller, Naima (9)Walnut Hills29.302
- 10Hofmeyer, Renee (11)Seton29.413
- 11Ray, Jada (10)Winton Woods29.624
- 12Bihl, Megan (9)Seton29.703
- 13Omoloja, Oyinda (12)St Ursula Ac29.712
- 14Do, Maria (9)Bishop Fenwick29.923
- 15Daly, Elena (10)Bishop Fenwick30.203
- 16Tudor, Ashley (9)Mother of Mercy30.241
- 17Miozzi, Payton (9)Bishop Fenwick30.573
- 18Huddleston, Patience (9)Walnut Hills30.794
- 19Sullivan, Erin (12)Seton31.032
- 20Sullivan, Maggie (10)St Ursula Ac31.271
- 21Johnson, Jasmine (9)Winton Woods31.954
- 22Blome, Molly (10)St Ursula Ac32.122
- 23Dollenmayer, Sydney (10)St Ursula Ac34.372
- Women - Team Rankings - 14 Events Scored
- 1)Seton (157) 2)Mother of Mercy (119)
- 3)St Ursula Acad(Hamilton) (109) 4)Bishop Fenwick (78)
- 5)Winton Woods (44) 6)Northwest (22)
- 7)Walnut Hills (9) 8)Seton B (1)