- Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Grade 5
Plc AffiliationFinalsPoints- Section 1
- 1École Elsie MacGill 'A'1:07.759
- 2Nor'wester View P.S. 'A'1:10.417
- 3Thunder Bay Christian Sch1:10.565.50
- 4McKenzie P.S. 'A'1:15.71
- 5Algonquin Avenue P.S. 'A1:16.13
- Section 2
- 1École Gron Morgan 'A'1:05.3810
- 2Kakabeka Falls P.S. 'A'1:10.854
- 1) Kydd, Avery 2) Nordstrom, Chloe
- 3) Napa, Isabella 4) Melo, Brielle
- 3C.D. Howe P.S. 'A'1:12.523
- 4Woodcrest P.S. 'A'1:14.301
- 5Kingsway Park P.S. 'A'1:20.16
- 1) Anishinabie, Aubrey 2) Horychuk, Brielle
- 3) Hay, Scarlett 4) McDonald-Decorte, Emma
- 6Whitefish Valley P.S. 'A1:21.64
- Section 3
- 1Crestview P.S. 'A'1:10.368
- 1) Dodwell, Vaughn 2) Riordon, Grace
- 3) Chesterman, Ryann 4) Robinson, Reese
- 2Gorham and Ware C.P.S. '1:10.565.50
- 1) Paisley, Rebecca 2) Newbold, Rheid
- 3) Erickson, Finley 4) Wheeler, Forest
- 3Valley Central P.S. 'A'1:13.802
- 4Claude E. Garton P.S. 'A1:14.79
- 1) Kuluski, Keira 2) Tomski, Ruby
- 3) Debakker, Olivia 4) Katajamaki, Loren
- 5Westmount P.S. - Thunder1:19.20
- 6Five Mile P.S. 'A'1:20.80
Plc AffiliationFinalsHeatPoints- Finals
- 1École Gron Morgan 'A'1:05.38210
- 2École Elsie MacGill 'A'1:07.7519
- 3Crestview P.S. 'A'1:10.3638
- 1) Dodwell, Vaughn 2) Riordon, Grace
- 3) Chesterman, Ryann 4) Robinson, Reese
- 4Nor'wester View P.S. 'A'1:10.4117
- 5Gorham and Ware C.P.S. '1:10.5635.50
- 1) Paisley, Rebecca 2) Newbold, Rheid
- 3) Erickson, Finley 4) Wheeler, Forest
- 5Thunder Bay Christian Sch1:10.5615.50
- 7Kakabeka Falls P.S. 'A'1:10.8524
- 1) Kydd, Avery 2) Nordstrom, Chloe
- 3) Napa, Isabella 4) Melo, Brielle
- 8C.D. Howe P.S. 'A'1:12.5223
- 9Valley Central P.S. 'A'1:13.8032
- 10Woodcrest P.S. 'A'1:14.3021
- 11Claude E. Garton P.S. 'A1:14.793
- 1) Kuluski, Keira 2) Tomski, Ruby
- 3) Debakker, Olivia 4) Katajamaki, Loren
- 12McKenzie P.S. 'A'1:15.711
- 13Algonquin Avenue P.S. 'A1:16.131
- 14Westmount P.S. - Thunder1:19.203
- 15Kingsway Park P.S. 'A'1:20.162
- 1) Anishinabie, Aubrey 2) Horychuk, Brielle
- 3) Hay, Scarlett 4) McDonald-Decorte, Emma
- 16Five Mile P.S. 'A'1:20.803
- 17Whitefish Valley P.S. 'A1:21.642