Making a Transparent Background on a Team Logo Using GIMP*

  1. Open the team logo image.
  2. Select the area of the logo you want to make transparent.
    • o Select the appropriate selection tool from the Tool window or the Tools – Selection Tools menu on the Layer window. It is easiest to use the magic wand/fuzzy select (Select contiguous region) tool or the Select regions by color tool.
    • o Click in the region you want selected. Use shift-click to add more regions. Tip: It’s easier if you zoom in (View – Zoom menu) to see finer details of exactly what you’re selecting.

  3. On the navigation bar, select Layer –> Transparency –> Add Alpha Channel. If this is blanked out then it’s already done. This makes sure your image can store transparency data

  4. Select Edit –> Clear or hit the "Delete" button. This makes the selection transparent (you will see the gray checkerboard pattern signifying the area on the logo is transparent).

  5. If needed resize the logo to 70px x 70px. Select Image -> Scale Image... -> Type "70" into Width field (Height field will change too) -> Select Scale.
  6. Save or export the logo. Exporting is easiest but be sure to export with the file extension".png". Note: If you save it as a PNG file, be sure to select the ‘Save color values from transparent pixels’ option in the Save as PNG dialog box.

*GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software and can be downloaded from the GIMP website